The Project object

Pycaprio uses the Project object to model INCEpTION's projects, and has these properties:

  • project_id: Id of the project (integer).
  • project_name: Project name (string).

List projects

Lists all the projects that are in INCEpTION.


projects = client.api.projects()
print(projects) # [<Project #1: Project name>, <Project #2: Another project>]

Fetch project

Fetches a project by its id.

You can provide a Project instance instead of an int as well.


project = client.api.project(1) # Or updated_project = client.api.project(project)
print(project) # <Project #1: Project name>

Create project

Creates a project in INCEpTION. It requires the project's name and optionally the creator's username. If no creator_name is provided, pycaprio will use the one of the user that is currently logged in to the API.


new_project = client.api.create_project("New project name", creator_name="other user")
print(new_project) # <Project #3: New project name>

Delete project

Deletes a project by its id.

You can provide a Project instance instead of an int as well.



Export project

Exports a project into a zip. Pycaprio returns the zip's content in bytes to allow flexibility in use/storage. You can specify the export file format using the format parameter. By default, it uses the webanno format.

You can provide a Project instance instead of an int as well.


from pycaprio.mappings import InceptionFormat
content = client.api.export_project(project, project_format=InceptionFormat.XMI) # type(content) is bytes
with open("", 'wb') as zip_file:

Import project

Imports a project given a zip file's content.


with open("", 'rb') as zip_file:
    project = client.api.import_project(zip_file)
print(project) # <Project #1: Project name>