The Document object

Pycaprio uses the Document object to model INCEpTION's documents, and has the following properties:

  • project_id: Id of the project in which the document is located (integer).
  • document_id: Id of the document (integer).
  • document_name: Name of the document (string).
  • document_state: State in which the document is in (string, possible values in pycaprio.core.mappings.DocumentStatus).

List documents

Lists all the documents in a project that are in INCEpTION.

You can provide a Project instance instead of a project_id as well.


documents = client.api.documents(1) # In project #1
documents = client.api.documents(project_one) # In project #1
print(documents) # [<Document #4: Doc name (Project: 1)>, <Document #5: Doc name 2 (Project: 1)>]

Download document

Downloads a document's content. You can specify the annotation's format via document_format (defaults to webanno).

You can provide a Project instance instead of a project_id as well. You can provide a Document instance instead of a document_id as well.


from pycaprio.mappings import InceptionFormat
document_content = client.api.document(1, 4, document_format=InceptionFormat.WEBANNO) # Downloads document 4 from project 1
document_content = client.api.document(project, document, document_format=InceptionFormat.WEBANNO) # Downloads document 4 from project 1

with open("downloaded_document", 'wb') as document_file:

Upload document

Uploads a document to a project in INCEpTION. It requires the Id of the project, the name of the document and the content of it (io stream).

You can specify the document's format via document_format (defaults to webanno). You can specify the document's state via document_state (defaults to NEW).

You can provide a Project instance instead of a project_id as well.


from pycaprio.mappings import InceptionFormat, DocumentState
with open("document", 'rb') as document_file:
    new_document = client.api.create_document(project, "Test document name", document_file, document_format=InceptionFormat.WEBANNO, document_state=DocumentState.IN_PROGRESS)
print(new_document) # <Document #5: Test document name (Project: 1)>

Delete document

Deletes a document from a project.

You can provide a Project instance instead of a project_id as well. You can provide a Document instance instead of a document_id as well.


client.api.delete_document(project, document) # Deletes document #4 from project #1